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Übersichtsartikel – Reviews
Wolffsohn, JS, Davies, LN. Presbyopia: Effectiveness of correction strategies. Prog Retin Eye Res 2019;68:124-143.
Heus, P, Verbeek, JH, Tikka, C. Optical correction of refractive error for preventing and treating eye symptoms in computer users. Cochrane Db System Rev2018;4. ISSN 1469-493X.
Gleitsichtbrillen – Progressive lenses
Buol A von Der Einfluss von Gleitsichtbrillen auf Kopf- und Augenbewegungen. Zürich; 2002.
Han SC, Graham AD, Lin MC. Clinical assessment of a custom Vis Sci 2011;88:234-243.
Han Y, Ciuffreda KJ, Selenow A, Ali SR. Dynamic interactions of eye and head movements when reading with single-vision and progressive lenses in a simulated computer-based environment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44:1534-1545.
Han Y, Ciuffreda KJ, Selenow A, Bauer E, Ali SR, Spencer W. Static aspects of eye and head movements during reading in a simulated computer-based environment with single-vision and progressive lenses. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003;44:145-153.
Horgen G, Aaras A, Thoresen M. Will visual discomfort among visual display unit (VDU) users change in development when moving from single vision lenses to specially designed VDU progressive lenses? Optom Vis Sci 2004;81:341-349.
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Johnson L, Buckley JG, Scally AJ, Elliott DB. Multifocal spectacles increase variability in toe clearance and risk of tripping in the elderly. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007;48:1466-1471.
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Menozzi M, Bergande E, Sury P. Evaluation of progressive lenses by means of a field study. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 2008;62:200-209.
Methling D. Bildschirmarbeitsplatzbrillen. Deutsche Optikerzeitung 2007;36-40.
Selenow A, Bauer EA, Ali SR, Spencer LW, Ciuffreda KJ. Assessing visual performance with progressive addition lenses. Optom Vis Sci 2002;79:502-505.
Sheedy J, Hardy RF, Hayes JR. Progressive addition lenses–measurements and ratings. Optometry 2006;77:23-39.
Sheedy JE. Progressive addition lenses–matching the specific lens tometry 2004;75:83-102.
Sheedy JE. Correlation analysis of the optics of progressive addition lenses. Optom Vis Sci 2004;81:350-361.
Sheedy JE, Hardy RF. The optics of occupational progressive lenses. Optometry 2005;76:432-441.
Sullivan CM, Fowler CW. Analysis of a progressive addition lens population. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 1989;9:163-170.
Timmis MA, Johnson L, Elliott DB, Buckley JG. Use of single-vision distance spectacles improves landing control during step descent in well-adapted multifocal lens-wearers. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010;51:3903-3908.
Ergonomie-Beratung – Ergonomics – advice
Huang YH. The Role of Environmental Control on Environmental Satisfaction, Communication, and Psychological Stress: Effects of Office Ergonomics Training. Environment and Behavior 2004;36:617-637.
Ketola R, Toivonen R, Häkkänen M, Luukkonen R, Takala E-P, Viikari-Juntura E. Effects of ergonomic intervention in work with video display units. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 2002;28:18-24.
Menendez CC, Amick BC, 3rd, Robertson M, et al. A replicated field intervention study evaluating the impact of a highly adjustable chair and office ergonomics training on visual symptoms. Applied ergonomics 2012;43:639-644.
Menozzi M, Buol AV, Waldmann H, Kundig S, Krueger H, Spieler W. Training in ergonomics at VDU workplaces Ergonomics 1999;42:835-845.
Robertson M, Amick BC, 3rd, DeRango K, et al. The effects of an office ergonomics training and chair intervention on worker knowledge, behavior and musculoskeletal risk. Applied ergonomics 2009;40:124-135.
Robertson MM, Ciriello VM, Garabet AM. Office ergonomics training and a sit-stand workstation: effects on musculoskeletal and visual symptoms and performance of office workers. Applied ergonomics 2013;44:73-85.
Robson LS, Stephenson CM, Schulte PA, et al. A systematic review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety training. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 2012;38:193-208.
Taieb-Maimon M, Cwikel J, Shapira B, Orenstein I. The effectiveness of a training method using self-modeling webcam photos for reducing musculoskeletal risk among office workers using computers. Applied ergonomics 2012;43:376-385.
Wantland DJ, Portillo CJ, Holzemer WL, Slaughter R, McGhee EM. The effectiveness of Web-based vs. non-Web-based interventions: a meta-analysis of behavioral change outcomes. Journal of medical Internet research 2004;6:e40.
Kopfhaltung – Head posture
Ankrum DR, Nemeth KJ. Head and neck posture at computer workstations – What’s neutral? In: Society THFaE (ed), 14th Triennial Congress of the Internation Ergonomics Association and the 44th Annual Meeting of The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Diego, California, USA. : Santa Monica: The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society; 2000:565–568.
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Menozzi M, von Buol A, Itschner L, Saluz L, Krueger H. Die Eignung verschiedener cephalometrischer Bezugslinien für die Bestimmung der vertikalen Ausrichtung des Kopfes. [The suitability of various cephalometric planes for the determination of vertical alignment of the head]. Z Morphol Anthropol
Sommerich CM, Joines SM, Psihogios JP. Effects of computer monitor viewing angle and related factors on strain, performance, and preference outcomes. Hum Factors 2001;43:39-55.
Muskel-Skelett-System – Muscle-skelett-system
Aarås A, Horgen G, Helland M. Can visual discomfort influence on muscle pain and muscle load for visual display unit (VDU) workers? Proceedings of the IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference ed. Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers – Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2007.
Bongers PM, Ijmker S, van den Heuvel S, Blatter BM. Epidemiology of work related neck and upper limb problems: psychosocial and personal risk factors (part I) and effective interventions from a bio behavioural perspective (part II). Journal of occupational rehabilitation 2006;16:279-302.
Fang S, Dropkin J, Herbert R, Triola D, Landsbergis P. Workers‘ compensation experiences of computer users with musculoskeletal disorders. American journal of industrial medicine 2007;50:512-518.
Gilbert-Ouimet M, Brisson C, Vezina M, et al. Intervention Study on Psychosocial Work Factors and Mental Health and Musculoskeletal Outcomes. HealthcarePapers 2011;11:47-66.
Grifka J, Tingart M, Hofbauer R, Peters T. Der Bürobildschirmarbeitsplatz aus orthopädisch-arbeitsmedizinischer Sicht. Der Orthopäde 2002;31:1015-1022.
Helland M, Horgen G, Kvikstad TM, Garthus T, Aaras A. Will musculoskeletal and visual stress change when Visual Display Unit (VDU) operators move from small offices to an ergonomically optimized office landscape? Appl Ergon 2011;42:839-845.
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Horgen G, Aaras A, Kaiser H, Thoresen M. Do specially designed visual display unit lenses create increased postural load compared with single-vision lenses during visual display unit work? Optometry and Vision Science 2002;79:112-120.
Johnston V, Jull G, Souvlis T, Jimmieson NL. Interactive effects from self-reported physical and psychosocial factors in the workplace on neck pain and disability in female office workers. Ergonomics 2010;53:502-513.
Kennedy CA, Amick BC, 3rd, Dennerlein JT, et al. Systematic review of the role of occupational health and safety interventions in the prevention of upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms, signs, disorders, injuries, claims and lost time. Journal of occupational rehabilitation 2010;20:127-162.
Levanon Y, Gefen A, Lerman Y, Givon U, Ratzon NZ. Reducing musculoskeletal disorders among computer operators: comparison between ergonomics interventions at the workplace. Ergonomics 2012;55:1571-1585.
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Straker L, Skoss R, Burnett A, Burgess-Limerick R. Effect of visual display height on modelled upper and lower cervical gravitational moment, muscle capacity and relative strain. Ergonomics 2009;52:204-221.
Wahlström J. Ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders and computer work. Occup Med (Lond) 2005;55:168-176.
Optometrie – Optometry
Long J, Forging partnerships between optometrists and ergonomists to improve visual comfort and productivity in the workplace. Work 2014; 47: 365-370.
Long J, Helland M, A multidisciplinary approach to solving computer related vision problems. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2012; 32: 429-435.
Long J, Helland M, J. A, A vision for strengthening partnerships between optometry and ergonomics. In: Mitchell R, editor. HFESA 47th Annual Conference 2011, Synergy in Sydney: Creating and Maintaining Partnerships. Crows Nest, Australia.: Curran Associates, Inc. 2011; pp. 57.
Long J, Rosenfield M, Helland M, Anshel J, Visual ergonomics standards for contemporary office environments. Ergonomics Australia 2014; 10: 1-7.
Reiner, J. Ein neues Sehtestgerät. Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin 30 (1980), S. 110–113
Sehabstand – Viewing Distance
Rempel D, Willms K, Anshel J, Jaschinski W, Sheedy J. The effects of visual display distance on eye accommodation, head posture, and vision and neck symptoms. Hum Factors 2007;49:830-838.
Ripple PH. Variation of accommodation in vertical directions of gaze. American Journal of Ophthalmology 1952;35:1630-1634.
Sehbeschwerden – Visual Complaints
Rosenfield M. Computer vision syndrome: a review of ocular causes and potential treatments. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 2011;31:502-515.
Seheigenschaften – Visual Functions
Heuer H, Hollendiek G, Kröger H, Römer T. Die Ruhelage der Augen und ihr Einfluss auf Beobachtungsabstand und visuelle Ermuedung bei Bildschirmarbeit. Z Exp Angew Psychol 1989;36:538-566.
Krueger H, Hessen J, Zuelch J. Bedeutung der Akkommodation für das Sehen am Arbeitsplatz. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 1982;36:159-163.
Menozzi M, Baumer-Bergande E, Seiffert B. Working towards a test for screening visual skills in a complex visual environment. Ergonomics 2012;55:1331-1339.
Menozzi M, von Buol A, Krueger H, Miege C. Direction of gaze and comfort: discovering the relation for the ergonomic optimization of visual tasks. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 1994;14:393-399.
Ripple PH. Variation of accommodation in vertical directions of gaze. American Journal of Ophthalmology 1952;35:1630-1634.
Sitzen – Sitting
Amick BC, 3rd, Menendez CC, Bazzani L, et al. A field intervention examining the impact of an office ergonomics training and a highly adjustable chair on visual symptoms in a public sector organization. Applied ergonomics 2012;43:625-631.
Corlett EN. Background to sitting at work: research-based requirements for the design of work seats. Ergonomics 2006;49:1538-1546.